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Life and art are intrinsic and part of the all that is Nature


Living between heaven and earth,

our body is a bridge of communication,

love filled poetry of being in wise and mutual elevation



To place ourselves in connection with the essence of Life

to align in thought, word and movement,

it is an active presence of listening and being intertwined,

in dialogue with the whole



The Earth breathes through her own spiritual field,
a consciousness that relies all living beings to an organic creation.

The meditation guides you to connect with the heart of the Earth's conscious presence
and allow for healing and restoration to be sent across the planetary field.

An intention placed within collective meditation amplifies the ripple
that moves through creation influencing the physical aspect of reality.

The light that is sent in intention through the meditation returns in our daily life 

to inspire actions and movement towards our fulfilment, ​
in alignment to an evolution in benefit to all beings alike.

This process activates our healing potential in our individual and collective presence.

This event is held online and is on donation 
Every wednesday
18:00 - 19:00 CET

The button above will allow you to confirm your participation via email,
write your name on it at least two hours before the event
and I'll send you the link to join

Thank you





I am offering individual and guided meditation sessions,

an explorative journey through the dream dimension,


to support the creative process by clarity and insight,

perceiving messages of symbolical nature to guide us,


to invite consciousness in the liberation

and exploration of each unique inner landscape,


to cultivate the experience of a shining inner being,

immersed in the oceans of totality, 

consciously related to the whole




Freeing the nature of the inner child

and pure imaginative process,

learning about the dream dimension




Embodying of our expression

in harmony with the natural world




Moving into an intuitive and animistic

perception of reality, allowing for

deeper understanding and relationships

with the human and non-human realms




The pleasure of feeling and living

in trust, openness and caring,

held and guided by streams of consciousness





The price per each individual guidance session is of 45 €


Each session is adapted to the person

and soul that enters the journey,

and unfolds as a 60 minutes online meeting





I offer mentorship to navigate creative waters 

and learn to express the unique essence of being, 

consciously interrelated to the whole.


Through my personal experience with practices

of inter-connection and self-awareness,

as well as my background as teacher and mentor,

I invite you to understand and expand the work of creation,

reviewing the individual artistic process to perceive subconscious limitations,

bringing intuitive understanding in the workflow,

creating in balance with the resources of nature, considering cyclical rhythms,

to cultivate the experience of harmonious presence and expression

within the ecosystem of Earth.



Perceiving inner gifts and values




Developing an intuitive and conscious workflow




Expressing uniqueness while consciously 

relating to the whole outside the self




​Creating and supporting artistic concepts




Understanding limitations,

learning to move beyond criticism




Approaching artistic work from a transversal and

spiritual perspective, to support creative growth




​Working in balance with the energy of nature,

shifting towards an earth supportive economy



The price per each individual guidance session is of 60 €


Each session is adapted to the person

and soul that enters the journey,

and unfolds as a 45 minutes online meeting

"The meeting with Bodhi Shola shifted me into new perspectives, a positive outlook on the world has opened and renewed opportunities emerged. Conscious exchanges that are of
well-being to body and spirit" 
Eloise M
"Trust and safety, peace and tranquillity,
this is what I kept from our few meetings. 
No judgement, a lot of understanding instead.
This encounter allowed me to reflect on many aspects of my life that I had not considered
before and will undoubtedly remain
forever impressed within me"


Each day I learn to be born again

to listen to the Spirit of creation 

to the great mother that births all into being


Looking through the eye of the all seeing principle

to become wise like the trees

transparent like the breeze

dancing like the river


Being un-being

an eternal student of Oneness

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I consciously entered meditation for the first time as I sat amongst the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia in 2017,

as the infinite light passed through me, connecting my presence with the life around, a consciousness of bliss all pervading.

Practices for the body, spirit and mind came beginning in 2018, entering in connection with teachers Renetsu Sparks and

Prem Shunyo , women and bearers of light who had been in direct contact with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, known as Osho.

Through these meetings I was introduced to the concept of Tantra as well as silent and dynamic meditation techniques.

I received the name Bodhi Shola (translated into “Flame of consciousness”) under the will to follow the guidance of inner wisdom on my path to evolution in January 2019 and started practicing Kundalini Yoga under teacher Ganga Kaur shortly after.

In 2020 a connection to the ancestral wisdom of Mexico opened, in gratefulness to the teachings in contact with the

master plant Hikuri and the psilocybin mushrooms, also called "Niños Santos" and used for ritual healing in the shamanic tradition. At my return from Mexico in 2021 illness came into my life and I entered a phase of darkness for my whole system.

Integrating the diverse teachings to that day I decided to recreate my practice, finding a way through severe physical pain

by meditations on the transcendental form of self and a devotion to the spirits of nature in a process nurtured by plant food

as medicine. It is during this time that a deep passion developed for conscious, compassionated and zen inspired forms

of nutrition, integrating herbals and flowers for holistic restoration and wellbeing.  Through my healing cycle I have

researched and explored Ayurvedic herbal massage and plant medicine in Kerala, India ;  ancestral plant-based cooking

with Folklore Collectif in Morocco ; energetic healing through chanting and inspired dance ;  offerings and teachings

to connect with the sacred plant of cacao with Jose Runa Mercado, a descendant of the Ashaninka Tribe of Peru, 

and the most generous wisdom from the people, the plants, the minerals, stones, waters and volcanoes I have met along the

way, hidden gems from the most unexpected locations.  I am currently learning about the cultivation and use of

European medicinal herbs and holding space for  ritual experiences, alongside my practice as an artist through the visual,

living in northern Italy, close to Venice.



The ritualistic practice of merging into oneness of love, in harmony with Nature,  is a gift to nurture

in my daily living. I dedicate my work to the teachers and inspirations from the human, plant, animal,

mineral and spiritual realms, for all they have passed onto me, gifting me this opportunity of blessed life.​​




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For collaborations, commissions or personal guidance connect with me :

All rights reserved © Bodhi Shola

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